"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15b)

dinsdag 25 september 2012

Heritage day

Yesterday we thought of our heritage. But what is our heritage? There are so many difficulty things in our nations past, thus we like to start a new heritage: a mixture of South Africa/Netherlands.

maandag 17 september 2012

A promise

Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."


Last Friday, we pretended to be farmers. We put on our best farmer outfits and went to look at all kinds of interesting things:
(Handy that Rashelle can now take photo's- now we can prove we go places together)
We had an absolute ball: sheep dog competitions, flower exhibitions, sheep shearing competitions, lots of animals, and enough machines to keep the boys happy.
 Can you imagine mowing your lawn with that?
Part of the joy was the road there and back:
Rolling hills
of Canola fields (we think:))
And on the way back, we took a quick picture of ourselves at the southern most point of Africa:
And found this mission station:
 OK, so maybe someone else found it before us.
This is one of the mission stations of the Morovian Church. They functions like little independant countries. Very interesting.

Harry Potter, not really

The botanical gardens close to our town, is called Harold Potter. As you can imagine, it is easy to confuse the names. We went to walk there two weeks ago. So, just to convince you of the amount of flower pictures we indeed have, here are some more:
The children are really starting to enjoy the trips into nature more and more. This time they walked almost all of the way without whinning to be carried. Pure bliss.
They were really tired afterwards:
But it is the beautiful things in life are always worth the effort:
The Bible says we should believe like children. There is so much we can learn from them, at least I can. Like how to live life to the full.