I read our last entry as if I am a spectator from the outside. It feels like years ago, simply because so much has happened in the meanwhile.
So, shockingly, we now live in the Netherlands. It was like a slow realization that came over us as things changed in the world over the last few months. Traveling has become harder and harder, immigrating even more so. So, as options fell away, one after the other, we were left with the Netherlands. Not a bad predicament. We were just never in a position to even consider it. But now we had to leap....
Carl took the boys on a hike, Humpback Rock on the Appalachian trial
The laws just made it harder and harder to get any foot in the door. We also realized that the farm will need a lot more than our little African experience would provide. God brought someone on our way, literally out of the blue. He started to take over the day to day managing jobs, and Carl could pull back.
It was difficult few weeks, and eventually Carl decided he could do more while being in Holland, preparing for us. So, on 30 June, he flew from Washington DC to Amsterdam. We still didn't want to take the risk with the children, and I couldn't get a visa for Holland anyway, since all the consulates etc were still closed. We could stay behind, and my family were so gratuitous to allow us to stay in the house, while they started to modify it so they could fit in, with their bigger family.
Myself and the kids helped out at the farmstall:
I think the most precious of this time, was the time we could have with our family:
Anyone for water?
At the last moment I could see some precious friends from our time in Zambia:
And so the day came to say goodbye:
on the way to the airport we saw a bit of Washington DC
And then on the airplane:To meet Dad:
And start a new life in the Netherlands:
Will this be it?? I don't know, I have stopped trying to guess. We just follow the road, and see where God leads us. Our time in the US was precious, and now we believe and hope God has a new season planned. So onwards and upwards: