"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15b)

donderdag 15 april 2021

And then?

 Last time I wrote about not having fear. There is a principle that runs through the bible: never leave a void.

Repentance of sin should be followed by filling the void with acts of righteousness. (Eph 4:28)
The void that fear leaves should be filled with Love, Power and a sound mind (2Tim1:7).
The soft heart should replace the hard heart.
And so on.

So my question: what are we filling the void with? Do we replace it with trust in our own abilities, or trust in our safety measures, or can we replace it with a firm trust that Our Father has us safe?
The answer produces fruit. Trust in our own abilities produces pride. Trust in devices produces obsessive behaviour. Trust in a Father that is good, and loving and able is the only safe place. This produces Rest and Peace and stability.

Ezekiel 17:23
"On the mountain heights of Israel I will plant it; it will produce branches and bear fruit and become a splendid cedar."

Verse 8: it had been planted in good soil by abundant water...

What are we feeding ourselves- Living Water?

We do not have to live in fear. 

donderdag 8 april 2021


 Psalm 57:3-4

"When I am afraid,
I will trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
In God I trust; I will not be afraid.
What can mortal man do to me?"

Do we get scared? Of course. Is there reason sometimes? Yes. The reality is one where lots of people have been hurt and stolen from. There is no use employing ostrich tactics. The fight is for your spirit.

We can be so bound by a spirit of fear, that we loose our Joy. We are always anxious, trying to make plans to lower the risk. Loosing Hope. There is no ways that these symptoms come from God.

Or we can be wise and our soul can be free of worry, filled with Hope in Eternal things. The sign is Joy.

So, what makes the difference?
This verse says:
* Our trust needs to be in God, in His plans, His purposes, His nature. (Verse 3)
* While praising God, there is no place for fear- because as we praise Him our head is lifted and focused on a kingdom where there is no death, rust, decay.
* Fear looses it's grip and all comes into perspective. What can man really do to me as child of God?

a Sun-Rainbow: God's promises are firm