"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15b)

vrijdag 29 juni 2012

The mountain

I just typed the poem for someone, and thought I'll place it, maybe there is someone who needs to hear this:

I want you to face the mountain

So that you can see

When the mountain is out of the way

All there is left is Me.

Only I can move the mountain,

Only I can push it away,

Only I can conquer the problems

That you face today.

Your job is only to believe

To listen to my voice.

And when you hear what I command

Obedience is your choice.

But I will not make it too difficult

For the victory is already mine

And I will lead you with my Spirit

And through you my grace will shine.

Not when you are perfect,

Like you think you need to be,

But when  your heart is willing to become

More and more like Me.

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