For many years we kept this blog up, reporting of all our adventures as we followed God's lead. Now, He has lead us to Carl's birth country, and are we considered 'home'. Today is our 6month celebration of being here in the Netherlands together as family. Much has happened, but they are much the same things that happens in your life- children, school, groceries, finances, housing, etc etc. Life as 'normal', in Corona, which adds to the lack of newsworthiness. So, as I was cycling along a very flat road this morning, my mind was flooded with oxygen after many days of hiding indoors for the cold. I realized that very few people want to hear about the every day events of others- that is what facebook is for. And I have no desire to bore you with even more detail.
But I also realize that after many years of always having an outlet for whatever comes into my mind, I now feel like a plugged pipe with nowhere to express myself. So, I decided to start the PART 2 of this blog. Instead of exciting African adventures, I want to now and then just share whatever I feel the Holy Spirit places on my heart. There are many people who do this, and I always feel that I have to encourage them and read as much as possible, but it becomes too much. So this is not one of those blogs. I need no comments, no discussions, no followers. I am going to just write whatever I feel on my heart, and then pray that random people will 'happen upon' whatever they need to read at a specific junction in life.
Here is my first such pondering:
“I do not accept praise (or glory) from me. How
can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the
glory that comes from the only God?"( John 5:41-44)
Jesus is talking to the learned Jews, who were definitely not His fans.
And He makes it clear that he is fine with not being liked, as long as he
pleases His Father in Heaven.
This verse challenged me: what is my motive when I do things? As a permanent
member of PPA (people- pleasers anonymous) I know that this is harder for me
than for some of you. And to further confuse me, my child's verse at school
this week, is:
"Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of
God — even as I try to please everyone in every way." (1 Cor 10:33-34)
Great, what am I suppose to do? Please people or not?
I guess the answer will always be in my heart. What is my heart motive? The
only one but me that knows that heart attitude, is God.
Did I do this good thing to be seen and praised? Then Jesus says in John 5 that
it was not the correct motivation.
Did I do this good thing to the benefit of another? Then 1 Cor 10 calls it the
correct motive.
Out of this flowed another thought.
Pleasing is a tool that I can use to steer my children. If they do something great, I allow them to see my pleasure. This confirms to them that they have done well. In the same way when they mess up, my face is one of displeasure. It doesn't mean I don't like them, I am steering in an effort to get them to what is best for them.
So, if the Bible says that "it is impossible to please God without faith" (Hebrew 11:6) it is not to make Him sound like an angry Father who picks the ones with the most faith. It is His way to steer us towards what is best for us. He allows us to see His pleasure, and this leading comes out of His love.
Some more examples:
2 Cor 5:9 "So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it."
Col 1:10 "so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work."
2 Tim 2:4 "No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer."
My question: how do we know when we please God?