"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15b)

donderdag 2 september 2021

One year: Netherlands

 It's probably time to show some signs of life again. Because yes, we are very much alive! On the 18th of August, we celebrated our first year together in the Netherlands. I can barely believe it. Most of it, I spent running after papers, phoning people I don't know (if you had any idea how much I detest speaking dutch on the phone) and keeping appointments for some more papers. We are almost there, I keep saying. 

Carl has finished his first year working for a boss again, and quite enjoys it.

The kids finished a last year of home schooling (yes, it is possible in the Netherlands- if you love paperwork) and have now all left for school. I just realized as non-native dutch speaker, I am holding them back. And we found schools where Christ is still the foundation.

 Simon in group 5
 Tim in group 6 
Rashelle off to high school- she has done 6 months of language school.

Isabel has been going since March.

So, we just had our first summer in Europe. Just for clarification, the average temperature was 17,7 degrees Celsius. So, we are not talking beach weather, mostly. They did mention that June was the record hottest month, like ever, but to be honest, I can not remember any of that heat. Anyway, the rest of the Netherlands rushed out to other European countries, not knowing how long it will be possible for. SO, the Paalmans bogged down, and decided to do a home holiday. We invested in a special card, so we could visit different museums, and we had ourselves some fun. I will now overwhelm you with pictures, and try not to explain too much of the historical setting.  
A art exhibition made out of LEGO
In the engine of a Boeing, well the exhaust I guess.
Lunch on the beach (we are no where near the beach, but in the Netherlands everything can be reached in 1 hour)
Tim as in the Middle Ages.
At home
On the way to a family feast
A museum on the history of Dutch society

Boys and their cars, eye-roll

Trying to build a earthquake proof structure
Working together in the world of balance
Definitely a favourite: the military museum

They had a ball
The Netherlands is a water-country
The history of sailboats/ships.
Back to their cars- where is Max?

Who found Wally (the off looking boy trapped in the Middle Ages)?

Back to the LEGO
So, what do you think? Did they have fun.

It has been a difficult season for so many people, so many wonderful men and women going to be with the Lord. We are trying to be wise with our time, and not selfish. Make memories that have meaning. We are thankful for our time here, most of all because we can spend some time with family:

  Carl and his sister's birthday

Knowing it is not important where we are, but who we are. Being Salt and Light, right here, right now. Yes, Lord. And Thank You.

(PS. feel invited!!!!!) 


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