"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15b)

zaterdag 1 december 2012

Grandparents moments

Here are a few photo's specially for Grandpa and the grandmama's:
I refuse to sleep
I love my food
I pulled myself up for the first time, now what?

Neigbourhood life

Our children are enjoying more and more of the other kids around. They seem to not notice how much older the rest are, they just play with.

As the summer is getting hotter- the children keep coming home wet. Arghh, now I understand why it urkes a mom.
 Thankfully everyone helps to keep the children safe.

vrijdag 9 november 2012

Tim turns two

I can honestly not believe we are already so far- two years old. He is just now starting to communicate and understanding things, but a birthday to a two year old is not much more than a lot of attention- suddenly and for no good reason.

He woke up in the morning and was allowed to unwrap his 'kragskop'- bulldozer.
Which he loved- thank you China.
Then after breakfast the next day, some of his friends from Goeie Hoop came over to play

And together we had his 'bulldozer' cake

His favorite part was his special dinner:
We'll give him a fork for his third birthday;)
Happy Birthday, Tim. We pray that the coming year will be special to you, and that you will experience God's Hand on your life. We love you, Tim-boy.


I must confess it's been a very long time since we've been to a wedding, we're always missing family weddings. But on the third one of our colleages were married- a dutch/south african mix. And we got to go. So did the children from Goeie Hoop.

Of cause we seem to have more pictures of the wedding car than the bride afterwards.
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Coetzee!

vrijdag 2 november 2012

Good bye

A friend of ours has left to return to the Netherlands. A loss to us, a gain to the Netherlands. To say goodbye, we spend a day looking for whales.
Een vriend van ons is terug naar Nederland. Zij was hier drie jaar en om afscheid te nemen hebben we een dag walvissen wezen kijken in Hermannus
God blessed us richly with jumping whales, and even a mother and calf really close
God heeft ons rijk gezegend met verschillende springende walvissen en zwemmende vlak voor de kust
The power of these animals, together with the sound they make when hitting the water, can not be described in words- but it praises God.
 De kracht van deze vissen is onvoorstelbaar, samen met de verschillende geluiden die ze produceren. onder andere als ze neerkomen op het water. Alles tot gods eer!
After such a beautiful day we just know nothing is impossible to God.
Op de terug weg was daar een prachtige wolkolom boven op een berg.
Goodbye friend
 Tot ziens, Goede vriend

Precious moments

There are some moments that are just priceless:
Kostbare momenten

A sleeping baby
Hoe prachtig, een slapende baby
A hard working daughter
Een hard werkende dochter
Brotherly love
Broederlijke liefde
More sleeping babies
En meer slapende baby's

For all the people in Rijssen

Inderdaad, Je ziet ons ook overal

vrijdag 12 oktober 2012


Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,...
                 He leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul...
Ps. 23 Die Here is mijn Herder, Ek kom niets kort nie,
Hij laat mij in die groen wiede velde rus, Hij breng mij bij waters waar daar vrede is

Why worry?

Just to share the blessing of this week's flower discoveries:
Net de bloemenpracht die we deze week zagen

And my favourite:
 Mijn favoriet:

Matt 6:28- And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lillies of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these.
Kijk na die voels,Hulle saai nie en hulle oogs nie en hulle maak nie in skure bij mekaar nie;Julle hemelse Vader sorg vir hulle Is julle nie baie meer werd nie.
self Salomo in al sy prag was nie geklee as een van hulle nie

Blessed with all this beauty around us as a reminder of how great our God is, we could relax and enjoy.
gezegend met al deze pracht rondom ons laat ons herinner hoe groot onze God is
In case you were worried, that's not me, it's a colleague that was with us, helping to keep track of all the children.
een van de collegas die mee was


Pro 18:24- A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Spr. 18:24 maats kan jou breek, maar daar kan ook n'vriend wees wat nader is as'n broer.

donderdag 4 oktober 2012

family expansion

Two new kids for just a day. We took this two from Goeie Hoop with while we had to fetch some documents in another town. its holiday for them and its nice to come out of the house a bit further. Meanwhile our kids enjoy them also by the extra attention. All under the eye of the director and her assistant

dinsdag 25 september 2012

Heritage day

Yesterday we thought of our heritage. But what is our heritage? There are so many difficulty things in our nations past, thus we like to start a new heritage: a mixture of South Africa/Netherlands.

maandag 17 september 2012

A promise

Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."


Last Friday, we pretended to be farmers. We put on our best farmer outfits and went to look at all kinds of interesting things:
(Handy that Rashelle can now take photo's- now we can prove we go places together)
We had an absolute ball: sheep dog competitions, flower exhibitions, sheep shearing competitions, lots of animals, and enough machines to keep the boys happy.
 Can you imagine mowing your lawn with that?
Part of the joy was the road there and back:
Rolling hills
of Canola fields (we think:))
And on the way back, we took a quick picture of ourselves at the southern most point of Africa:
And found this mission station:
 OK, so maybe someone else found it before us.
This is one of the mission stations of the Morovian Church. They functions like little independant countries. Very interesting.