"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15b)

donderdag 9 september 2021

Fullness of life


Greg Morse:
"What an even stranger and more awful sight to see a man, who claims to be remade in the image of Christ, pass his brief existence as little more than a sermon-hearer, note-taker, small group-attender. He too lives with little passion, little mission, little seriousness — just religious habits tucked neatly within a saltless life. How can we explain this?"

I think (me now), that part of the answer is that we miss the fullness of what God offers.

Psalm 59:15-17
"They wander about for food and howl if not satisfied.
But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love;
For you are my fortress,
My refuge in times of trouble.
O my Strength, I sing praise to you;
You, O God, are my fortress, my loving God."

If we assume our satisfaction lays in other things: food, entertainment, money, holiday, retirement, human approval, whatever else, we will find it a hollow cymbal compared to true satisfaction that is only to be found in God. From that truly being satisfied by God, flows passion that bursts forth for all to see. Are you howling or living?

donderdag 2 september 2021



A regular image we find in the Bible, is that of a shepherd. There are quite a few places where earthly leaders are described as shepherds, and harshly criticized. But where earthly shepherds fail, our God succeeds as the Good Shepherd. One of these descriptions is found in Ezekiel 34.

Verse 10: I will rescue my flock from their mouths...
Verse 11: I will search for my sheep and look after them.
Verse 12: As a shepherd looks after His scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them...
Verse 13: I will bring them out... I will pasture them...
Verse 14: I will tend them in a good pasture...
Verse 15: I will tend my sheep and have them lie down
Verse 16: I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak...I will shepherd the flock with justice.

Just meditate on these verses, allowing God to sink them into the broken places. He has us save, we are not alone.

A covenant


I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. Then you will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God. I will save you from all your uncleanness. I will call for the grain and make it plentiful and will not bring famine upon you. I will increase the fruit of the trees and the crops of the field, so that you will no longer suffer disgrace among the nations because of famine. Then you will remember your evil ways and wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and detestable practices.
(Ezekiel 36:25-31)

This is a longer piece than I would normally quote, but it is one contract, one covenant, so it belongs together. God is coming with such an amazing offer, not at all anything that He is gaining from.

- He wants to clean our messiness, our past, our sin. Clean us up. White as snow.
- He wants to give us a new heart, take away the hard, selfish one and replace it with a heart that can feel love and give love. A heart that can live passionately.
- He want to replace our spirit with one that is not all about what I can get but with a spirit that is sensitive about what the right way is to take.
- He will make us alive, fully.
- He gives us a family to belong to.
- He provides our needs.
- No more disgrace.

All He asks in return is that we live to His glory, turning away from our evil ways. We serve a good God.

One year: Netherlands

 It's probably time to show some signs of life again. Because yes, we are very much alive! On the 18th of August, we celebrated our first year together in the Netherlands. I can barely believe it. Most of it, I spent running after papers, phoning people I don't know (if you had any idea how much I detest speaking dutch on the phone) and keeping appointments for some more papers. We are almost there, I keep saying. 

Carl has finished his first year working for a boss again, and quite enjoys it.

The kids finished a last year of home schooling (yes, it is possible in the Netherlands- if you love paperwork) and have now all left for school. I just realized as non-native dutch speaker, I am holding them back. And we found schools where Christ is still the foundation.

 Simon in group 5
 Tim in group 6 
Rashelle off to high school- she has done 6 months of language school.

Isabel has been going since March.

So, we just had our first summer in Europe. Just for clarification, the average temperature was 17,7 degrees Celsius. So, we are not talking beach weather, mostly. They did mention that June was the record hottest month, like ever, but to be honest, I can not remember any of that heat. Anyway, the rest of the Netherlands rushed out to other European countries, not knowing how long it will be possible for. SO, the Paalmans bogged down, and decided to do a home holiday. We invested in a special card, so we could visit different museums, and we had ourselves some fun. I will now overwhelm you with pictures, and try not to explain too much of the historical setting.  
A art exhibition made out of LEGO
In the engine of a Boeing, well the exhaust I guess.
Lunch on the beach (we are no where near the beach, but in the Netherlands everything can be reached in 1 hour)
Tim as in the Middle Ages.
At home
On the way to a family feast
A museum on the history of Dutch society

Boys and their cars, eye-roll

Trying to build a earthquake proof structure
Working together in the world of balance
Definitely a favourite: the military museum

They had a ball
The Netherlands is a water-country
The history of sailboats/ships.
Back to their cars- where is Max?

Who found Wally (the off looking boy trapped in the Middle Ages)?

Back to the LEGO
So, what do you think? Did they have fun.

It has been a difficult season for so many people, so many wonderful men and women going to be with the Lord. We are trying to be wise with our time, and not selfish. Make memories that have meaning. We are thankful for our time here, most of all because we can spend some time with family:

  Carl and his sister's birthday

Knowing it is not important where we are, but who we are. Being Salt and Light, right here, right now. Yes, Lord. And Thank You.

(PS. feel invited!!!!!) 


woensdag 16 juni 2021


 Siblings really are a gift from God. When the whole world disappear, they will still be there. 

Meeting God in His Temple


Psalm 65:4
"Blessed are those you choose
And bring near to live in your courts!
We are filled with the good things of you house,
Of your holy temple."

In these days we do not have a temple anymore, we have become the temple. But I was trying to think what David meant when he wrote about the 'good things we are filled with' that he would have found at the temple.
Here are just some that I think he could have meant, maybe you could add some:

God's presence
His righteousness and holiness
His justice
You could go to the temple, and walk away with a clean conscience.
The peace of God when you've offered your sacrifice and laid it all at His feet
Joy as David praised God
The companionship and belonging of being one of Abraham's children.

And these are some of the good things we are blessed with when we move into God's presence AND when we come together as His body.

Into the Living Waters


Ezekiel 31:7
"It was majestic in beauty,
With its spreading boughs,

For its roots went down
To abundant waters."

That is often the conclusion. If our roots are deep, and close to abundant water, we grow into a big strong stable tree.

These roots grow through difficult times, and through reaching out to the Living Water. So, the spiritual picture is that when in difficult times we reach out to God, place our trust in Him, we grow in stability and also fruitfulness.

A big strong tree can withstand huge storms and provide abundantly to all who need a place of comfort. I pray that we will become these big trees.

maandag 7 juni 2021

Sing, praise


Psalm 57:9-10
I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations;
I will sing of you among the people's.
For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

We recently made an inter-continental move. So, we are finding ourselves among the nations and the peoples of the world. Just earlier in that psalm David writes about God as the one 'who fulfills his purposes for me.'

So, what is our purpose as we live among the nation's and the peoples of this world? Because as children of God we have become aliens even when we are in our country of birth.

Verse 5: Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
Let your GLORY be over the earth.

And if we live to God's glory, wherever we are (far from family, away at University, working in a very worldly enviroment), we can make this amazing declaration:

Verse 7: My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.

Who's work?

“God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:6–8).
“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

I have spent a lifetime with people who sacrifice and give to others, who help others. Missionaries, development workers, samaritans. And I have seen that the biggest trap of being 'a nice person', is pride.

It is an ugly thing, a dark shadow that takes away from the mercy that flows through us to other people.

These verses are the answer to fight that ugly thing. Be thankful for the privilege of doing the good works that originate in God's goodness, not in our own. He is the author of our faith and every good work that flows through us. 

donderdag 15 april 2021

And then?

 Last time I wrote about not having fear. There is a principle that runs through the bible: never leave a void.

Repentance of sin should be followed by filling the void with acts of righteousness. (Eph 4:28)
The void that fear leaves should be filled with Love, Power and a sound mind (2Tim1:7).
The soft heart should replace the hard heart.
And so on.

So my question: what are we filling the void with? Do we replace it with trust in our own abilities, or trust in our safety measures, or can we replace it with a firm trust that Our Father has us safe?
The answer produces fruit. Trust in our own abilities produces pride. Trust in devices produces obsessive behaviour. Trust in a Father that is good, and loving and able is the only safe place. This produces Rest and Peace and stability.

Ezekiel 17:23
"On the mountain heights of Israel I will plant it; it will produce branches and bear fruit and become a splendid cedar."

Verse 8: it had been planted in good soil by abundant water...

What are we feeding ourselves- Living Water?

We do not have to live in fear. 

donderdag 8 april 2021


 Psalm 57:3-4

"When I am afraid,
I will trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
In God I trust; I will not be afraid.
What can mortal man do to me?"

Do we get scared? Of course. Is there reason sometimes? Yes. The reality is one where lots of people have been hurt and stolen from. There is no use employing ostrich tactics. The fight is for your spirit.

We can be so bound by a spirit of fear, that we loose our Joy. We are always anxious, trying to make plans to lower the risk. Loosing Hope. There is no ways that these symptoms come from God.

Or we can be wise and our soul can be free of worry, filled with Hope in Eternal things. The sign is Joy.

So, what makes the difference?
This verse says:
* Our trust needs to be in God, in His plans, His purposes, His nature. (Verse 3)
* While praising God, there is no place for fear- because as we praise Him our head is lifted and focused on a kingdom where there is no death, rust, decay.
* Fear looses it's grip and all comes into perspective. What can man really do to me as child of God?

a Sun-Rainbow: God's promises are firm

maandag 1 maart 2021



Isabel was born in 2015, as many of you know. As family we have walked a 5and a 1/2 year journey of doctor's visits, not because she is sick, but because she was just not growing at the same speed as the rest of our children. Many adventures over the years- operations, drowning incidents, beautiful testimonies- enough to fill a small book. Our hope was that in America we would find the answers we were looking for, and had already started on the tedious journey of seeing specialists when the doors on our immigration process would just not budge. I believe God lead us to the Netherlands in this way, since we have never had the courage to try and live here. Not because it is bad in any way, but living in Africa and then moving to Europe without any specific plans was an insurmountable ...well, mountain. We were forced, but I know that it was God-lead.

Another long story short, we finally were able to do genetic testing, without landing on the street financially. And they found a result. Isabel was diagnosed with a Rare Genetic disease called DYRK1a, charming I know, think I could have improved on the name;) It is just amazing how it explains every single one of her 'differences'. She has a tiny head (called Microcephaly), funny ears (straight from Star wars, or is it Star Trek), lots of fever convulsions, no speaking, slow mental development, autistic traits, and even her love for water. It is amazing, like we opened a door into another world. A sense of arriving somewhere, after being on the road for a very long time. A new group of people to help us know that we are not alone, but one of four hundred families so far diagnosed with this rather new diagnosis.

It brings along the necessary need for acceptance: this is not a short term disease that will be cured by a magic pill. This life was written on her DNA- a God-message, this is how this specific little angel is going to look. Nothing to change, just to develop into the little flower we always knew she was. It has changed the dynamic in our home for the better, made us all softer, more attentive and patient, more of a team. We can only enjoy today, because tomorrow is a picture that we do not design, can't even know what to expect, we can only colour it in, in loving colours.

Isn't that true for any child though?

1 March


In a fit of hope, I started packing the winter clothes away. We have had such lovely springy days, that both the field flowers and I were fooled. Back to blankets and boots we are, but the hope stays.

So, over the last weekend the same topic kept coming up. So, it is kind of stuck in my mind: judgement. Within both the Christian and non-Christian circles the modern consensus seems to be that you should not judge others. Seems pretty simple, but from this statement flows two very different thoughts.

Firstly, within every single one of us is the tendency to judge others. Whenever we observe someone from a different 'grouping' we tend to judge. The further from our own, the easier it is to smile and find it peculiar, BUT the closer to our own, we tend to see them as 'worth less'. So, we either laugh at, or hate on. My observation is that in many people this is because we feel threatened. And if this becomes a mind pattern, we can even talk about having a critical spirit. I have often seen this come down a family line. So, my first action for myself, is to really pray that God will renew my mind. So that I feel so secure in who He made me that I do not need to feel threatened. I can listen, I don't have to be swayed to and fro, and I can enjoy the differences. 

Secondly, in an effort to not judge, we make judge and condemn the same thing. We need to make certain judgements daily. If our brother is involved in sin, we can turn a blind eye in an effort not to judge, but this is not a loving act. We need to be able to go in love and speak what we see, in love. And I guess this is the crux: am I judging in an effort to be proven right, better, or am I judging in an attitude of love to make sure that no harm comes on my friend? Judging is not the same as condemning, or shouldn't be. So, my second action is to pray that God will make me a good friend, make a judgment grounded solely in brotherly love and then the wisdom about when and how I speak.

Rom 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free.

Let's be free.

donderdag 18 februari 2021

Part 2

For many years we kept this blog up, reporting of all our adventures as we followed God's lead. Now, He has lead us to Carl's birth country, and are we considered 'home'. Today is our 6month celebration of being here in the Netherlands together as family. Much has happened, but they are much the same things that happens in your life- children, school, groceries, finances, housing, etc etc. Life as 'normal', in Corona, which adds to the lack of newsworthiness. So, as I was cycling along a very flat road this morning, my mind was flooded with oxygen after many days of hiding indoors for the cold. I realized that very few people want to hear about the every day events of others- that is what facebook is for. And I have no desire to bore you with even more detail.

But I also realize that after many years of always having an outlet for whatever comes into my mind, I now feel like a plugged pipe with nowhere to express myself. So, I decided to start the PART 2 of this blog. Instead of exciting African adventures, I want to now and then just share whatever I feel the Holy Spirit places on my heart. There are many people who do this, and I always feel that I have to encourage them and read as much as possible, but it becomes too much. So this is not one of those blogs. I need no comments, no discussions, no followers. I am going to just write whatever I feel on my heart, and then pray that random people will 'happen upon' whatever they need to read at a specific junction in life.

Here is my first such pondering:

“I do not accept praise (or glory) from me. How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?"( John 5:41-44)

Jesus is talking to the learned Jews, who were definitely not His fans. And He makes it clear that he is fine with not being liked, as long as he pleases His Father in Heaven.

This verse challenged me: what is my motive when I do things? As a permanent member of PPA (people- pleasers anonymous) I know that this is harder for me than for some of you. And to further confuse me, my child's verse at school this week, is:

"Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God — even as I try to please everyone in every way." (1 Cor 10:33-34)

Great, what am I suppose to do? Please people or not?

I guess the answer will always be in my heart. What is my heart motive? The only one but me that knows that heart attitude, is God.
Did I do this good thing to be seen and praised? Then Jesus says in John 5 that it was not the correct motivation.
Did I do this good thing to the benefit of another? Then 1 Cor 10 calls it the correct motive.

Out of this flowed another thought.


Pleasing is a tool that I can use to steer my children. If they do something great, I allow them to see my pleasure. This confirms to them that they have done well. In the same way when they mess up, my face is one of displeasure. It doesn't mean I don't like them, I am steering in an effort to get them to what is best for them.

So, if the Bible says that "it is impossible to please God without faith" (Hebrew 11:6) it is not to make Him sound like an angry Father who picks the ones with the most faith. It is His way to steer us towards what is best for us. He allows us to see His pleasure, and this leading comes out of His love.

Some more examples:

2 Cor 5:9 "So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it."

Col 1:10 "so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work."

2 Tim 2:4 "No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer."

My question: how do we know when we please God?