"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15b)

woensdag 11 april 2018

Newsletter April 2018

Everlasting- what really exists forever, what is really important? Most things will soon pass, all frustrations such as broken vehicles, sick animals, cash flow problems, work pressure…. When it all fades, we are left with each other, with relationships. And this is what this month has been about- lots of work that needed to wait for relationships. They are crucial to us- because this is how we can convince people that Jesus is not an activity on Sunday mornings, but a Someone that influences us on Friday night, or influence our speech in traffic Tuesday lunch time.

Carl frowns, because that makes it sound like he did nothing, which is not true. He finally got our fence up, well most of it. We have lost many crops to the neighbours’ goats, as well as my carefully planted shade trees. We fed many a person’s oxen on our maize, unplanned. So, hopefully, this will help with our relationships too. In the culture in Zambia, it is not the responsibility of the farmer to keep his animals under control, they are free, and it is your responsibility to keep your crop safe. Hope Builders Ministries jumped in with funds to help us out, thank you!!

I promised to introduce you to some of these neighbours, who are involved with the project. James Moonga is Carl’s right hand man. Since we came, the two have been inseparable. James speaks excellent English, which is not common, and he has a quick understanding of what is expected of him. He is responsible for the vegetable gardens, and has grown up learning from his own father about the different diseases that plague plants in the tropics. He spots them early and comes with solutions. He also often comes to sit with me, and then he says: “Madam (standard term for married woman), why does the Bible say …..? Carl, why do people do …….? What are we supposed to believe?” He is one of the only men that refuses to take a second wife, and we are all eagerly awaiting the birth of their third child in September. Our children sit talking with him for hours, trying to catch him with their newest joke or explaining the newest novelty they have learned about- like, “Uncle James, did you know there are traffic lights that can see you coming and then change colour? Uncle James, did you know there are fish in the ocean with heads as big as a car?....” He has been a blessing to us, and the beauty of our relationship, he trust us, and tries everything Carl teaches him. He is part of the Seventh Day Adventist Church (like everyone around us), and yet because of the leaders lives not reflecting what they teach (hypocrisy), he is willing to discuss spiritual matters with us.

The vegetables have taken off so well. Carl is growing vegetables in the wrong season (for instance cauliflower in the summer) and yet they bear a harvest, and the people buy as fast as he can produce. Many mornings, he loads the truck full and goes off for a round of deliveries. This too has become a ministry opportunity- food when people are in trouble, quiet conversations, an open door into people’s houses and lives. (Our current truck is about to fall into small pieces due to the bad roads and the distances we do, so Hope Builders Ministries is currently fundraising for a new vehicle if you would be interested in contributing- www.hbmin.org)

It was also our annual triathlon this month. Carl and the boys all did very well in their different categories. This gives us a completely different set of shoulders to rub with. There is a specific couple, who use to be part of our church, but fell away, who are extremely into sports. And Carl’s participation, is slowly opening doors for us to build trust with them. Exciting!

I didn’t know what to write when I started, and now I still have so much to say. I will keep some for next month. Last thing, is just that we thank God for Simon’s 6th birthday. We made it a combination birthday with farewell for our children’s best friends. So, we went to a special play park, there were things many of the children never get to experience, it was very special.

I will include a few extra pictures. One of them shows our new dog, Sasha. Till, we meet again, may your everlasting treasure in Heaven increase.


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