"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15b)

dinsdag 10 januari 2012

Bird park

On the 4th of January, we went with all the children and volunteers from Goeie Hoop to a bird park in Houtbaai. I can remember the place from my childhood days, and it just has fond memories for me. We had a good time, here are some pictures (I focused on the human pictures, because if I have to show you all the birds, there will be hundreds):

Our extra children for the day. The younger girl kept calling us mom and dad, broke my heart everytime she did it.

Rashelle and her best friend, looking at monkeys.

OK, just a few birds for the animal people out there:

Tim loved every moment of it:
Who wouldn't being carried around like the king?

This is as close as you'll get to seeing my pregnant body, but just to show that I too enjoyed myself. (Though that smile does look fake, I know)

On days like these I'm always amazed by God's attention to detail and his unending creativity. It was beautiful.

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